Shannar Kuzu

“Fitness will help you feel better both inside and out.”

Shannar got into fitness after a loved one passed away from a terminal illness. After living with severe depression for over a year after they passed, Shannar decided that she no longer wanted to live the lifestyle she was living, and started going on daily walks to pull herself out of a rut. Her daily walks turned into daily workouts, and the rest is history.

As a trainer, Shannar’s biggest goal is to help other people fall in love with fitness and as a result, lead them to feel better both inside and out.

Shannar’s training style varies depending on her clients’ goals, but is often focused on strength and resistance training, with a splash of HIIT.

When not at the gym, Shannar still keeps fit with walks, hikes in nature and long bike rides.

What's your hidden talent?

I'm stronger than I look

What's your favourite meal?


If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

A cat, so I can sleep all day, demand food and attention

Speciality Areas:

  • Weight Loss
  • Muscle Tone/Definition
  • Strength Training
  • Mental Health Coaching
  • Nutrition Coaching


  • Certificate III in Fitness
  • Certificate IV in Fitness

Contact Shannar

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