Madi Clegg

“Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.”

Madi first got into the gym and resistance training with the aim to get strong, but found it improved her mental health and wellbeing as well, encouraging her to push beyond what she thought she was capable of. She now loves using her passion for fitness to encourage others to make positive changes in their lives and achieve their goals.

For those ready to kickstart their own fitness journeys, Madi believes you shouldn’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Beginning your fitness journey could be the best thing you could do for you.

Madi’s training style uses a combination of aesthetic based resistance training and performance based training - including Olympic lifting, power and endurance.

Outside of the gym, Madi loves to dance!

What's your favourite gym exercise?

I absolutely love to bench

What's your hidden talent?

I played piano for a really large majority of my childhood

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

I would say a cat - I am independent and decisive! I love my own space but can be extraverted and super friendly!

Speciality Areas:

  • Resistance Training
  • Athlete Training
  • Endurance
  • Performance
  • Body Building


  • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
  • Master Trainer Level 1

Contact Madi

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