Brett Gherardi


Brett’s first taste of the gym life came in his second year of uni when a friend invited him to join him training. He loved the feeling of progression and not only seeing physical changes in his body, but also positive changes in his confidence and how he felt, and now wants to be a positive influence on as many people as he can be.

Brett’s advice for anyone starting out is to remember that everyone was once a beginner, you just need to take the first step, and to find a friend to help you stay accountable.

His training style focuses on strength and body recomposition, with week-to-week progression focusing on getting stronger, leaner and having more control over how the body moves.

Not only a self-confessed video game nerd, when Brett’s not in the gym, he also likes to do some photography/videography work or head out for a good coastal walk.

What is your favourite gym exercise?


What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?

Did Elon Musk colonise Mars?

What is your go-to cheat meal?

Ramen or Donuts

Speciality Areas:

  • Body Recomposition
  • Strength Training
  • Bodybuilding
  • Fat Loss


  • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
  • Accredited Sports Nutritionist (Sports Nutrition Australia)
  • Pre-Script Level 1 Coach

Contact Brett

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Whether you’re just starting out at the gym or wanting to try somewhere new, our team at Revo Fitness are here to motivate you and help you smash those health and fitness goals.