Reece Forrester

“Just get the ball rolling.”

Reece got into fitness by playing team sports as a child, and developed further interest whilst he was studying a Bachelor of Sport Science and Exercise and Health Studies. After working towards his own goals, accomplishing them, and enjoying the process along the way, Reece decided to set out and become a trainer so her could help others do the same. Reece loves being able to guide people through their own fitness journey and see their progress along the way.

For those new to fitness, Reece says to start now. He reminds us that there is not always going to be motivation to push you along your fitness journey, so it is important to get the ball rolling and maintain discipline.

Reese focuses on the individual’s goal always places the comfort and safety of his clients above everything else. He strives to assist in any way possible and focuses on motivation to help his clients reach their fitness goals.

When he’s not at the gym, Reece enjoys playing and watching football, basketball and boxing. He also loves to catch up with family and friends, and in his spare time, furthers his knowledge in the health and fitness industry.

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?

How many Championships have the Milwaukee Bucks won?

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

Gorilla – so I could lift the most at the gym!

What's your hidden talent?

I can crack my nose

Speciality Areas:

  • Fat/Weight Loss
  • Muscle Hypertrophy
  • Sports Performance
  • Nutrition Advice


  • Bachelor of Sport Science and Exercise and Health Studies
  • ESSA Accredited Exercise Scientist (AES)
  • ASCA Strength and Conditioning Coach Level 1

Contact Reece

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Whether you’re just starting out at the gym or wanting to try somewhere new, our team at Revo Fitness are here to motivate you and help you smash those health and fitness goals.